About Me

My name is Taylor I am 20 years old. I am a sophomore in college. I have two younger siblings adopted from China  I am a Christian and Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I have a passion for the orphaned children around the world but my heart is strongly pulled toward China for special needs orphans.  With the adoption of my brother from China who was a special needs child, I saw up close and first hand how these children were discriminated against.  They were considered unworthy, untrainable and "dumb" because they were not "perfect".  My brother is perfect and he has excelled in school since joining our family.  I started my mission to help "those that still wait" for their families.  I can be the voice for these orphans around the world that need to be heard.  I research daily for children who so desperately want a family to call their own; post them here on my web page and pray that their family will be found.  Every child deserves to have a family to love them!   I go to Xi'An, China during the summer to meet some of these beautiful children that are classified as " special needs orphans".   Every child deserves to have an education even if it has to be adjusted to his/her own learning level.  We take our education for granted at times when there are so many who would love to have the opportunities we have to learn.  I know that I cannot help every child I meet, but even to the one that I do help, my journey was worth the trip.

I am the founder of Still We Wait an Advocacy blog for children that are waiting world wide for families. My friend Ashton helps me run it and we have since added some wonderful ladies to help write post. Still We Wait (SWW) came about in 2010 after I came back from my first mission trip to China be sure to check out SWW. We have seen over 20 children united with their forever families since we started and it never gets old. With each child we list part of our heart is stolen with them. I love running SWW and I am so blessed to do it with some amazing Christian ladies. SWW's link is at the bottom of this page please be sure to check it out and email us for the password if you would like

As I have said, I am a sophomore in college. I attend Appalachian State, where I am a Secondary History Education major. I know crazy right, me wanting to teach high school kids but I am super excited about that. I love kids big as small that, but I don't believe I would have the patience to teach smaller children all day. I have amazing friends that I love dearly. We are really just big goof balls most of the time. I have the world's best roommates and I love them dearly. I am so blessed to be at the school where I am and God has made it clear that I am in the right place.

Yes I will admit  I am really bad at updating my blog frequently. College life can get very busy sometimes and I am lucky if I get to breathe on occasions. I will keep this blog up as I love looking back and seeing how my life has changed and how I am no where near where I thought I would have been 5 years ago. Call me crazy but I always said I would never be a teacher they were people that did a job I couldn't do. Funny how God has a sense of humor huh. 

Be sure to stop by Still We Wait sometime 

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